Standard Chamfer

The Standard Chamfer creates a shaped perimeter around an existing relief using a profile. An analogy for this method is using a router and a shaper tool to around a block of material. Below is an example profile used to create a chamfered edge.

The Standard Chamfer tool modifies the existing relief first by creating a relief the height of the selected profile, and then by removing the material around the perimeter of the relief to match the selected profile. Below is an example of a relief created using a Standard Chamfer on a flat relief with zero height, using the sample profile above.

The relief has sharp corners similar to a result a router with shaper tool would create

The graphic below illustrates how the Standard Chamfer tool creates the final relief.

The height of the profile is added to the relief.
The profile is passed around one side of the relief.
Relief shape after the first pass.
The profile is passed around the other side. Note that when the relief width is less than twice the profile width, the relief will be truncated where the profiles overlap.
Final relief shape.

Below is the resulting relief in EnRoute.

Standard Chamfer Dialogue

When the Standard Chamfer command is activated, the tool dialogue will appear. A set of standard parameters are available to control the relief shape.

Not all common tool parameters are used by the standard chamfer and some will not be visible in the dialogue.

Common Tool Parameters

Miter and Centerline

Define how the chamfer is applied in the corners. Either Miter or Centerline can be applied at one time to a relief, or they can be disabled. The effects of each option are best explained with examples. The image below illustrates the effect of the Miter option in corners.

It is standard convention to place the high side of the contour to the left when applying a Standard Chamfer

With Miter Without Miter

If the desired profile does not follow the standard convention of placing the high side on the left, the Centerline option will prevent the Standard Chamfer tool from cutting through the profile. As the profile is passed around the perimeter, it will overlap itself at several points and truncate the relief. If this is not the desired effect, the Centerline option prevents the Standard Chamfertool from truncating in the corners of the relief. The image below illustrates the effect of the Centerline option.

Miter Option Centerline Option